City Guides Cologne FF
Quality counts! With more than 19 years of experience FF STADTFÜHRUNGEN is your first choice when it comes to plan, coordinate and undertake professionally guided city tours. We offer you a wide range of options as well as interactive treasure hunts. Our brilliant team of city guides knows Cologne inside out and is looking forward to showing you around.
Günther Klein is member of:
Heimatverein Alt-Köln e.V.
Förderverein der Freunde des Kölner Hänneschen Theaters e. V.
Fründe vun der Akademie för uns kölsche Sproch e. V.
KG Löstige Brücker Müüs e.V.
We support "Lebensdurst-Ich e.V." and "Run & Ride for Reading (Kölner Leselauf)".